Changes in ISSB

Changes in ISSB- 100% Helpful for ISSB Preparation


In this blog, we will discuss changes in ISSB as well as day by day Schedule of ISSB.

What is ISSB?

ISSB Stands for Inter Services Selection Board. Recommendation is must if you want to join Pakistan Army, Navy & Airforce as a Commissioned Officer.

ISSB Centers in Pakistan:

1. ISSB Kohat
2. ISSB Gujranwala
3. ISSB Malir
4. ISSB Quetta

Changes in ISSB 1st Day Tasks:

Written Day:

1. MAT and OPI Tests

2. Sentence completion 2 sets of English and 2 sets of Urdu, 26 sentences per set, 6 mins for each set.

3. WAT (Words Association Test) 100 words, 10 seconds each.

4. Picture Story Test. 4 stories, 4 mins each.

5. Pointer Stories. 2 Stories, 3.5 mins each.

6. Merits and Demerits.

7. Situation Reaction Tests 5 situations, 2 min each1st day is all about Psychological Tests.


You must have strong grip on above tests,Practice as much as you can.

First need to know these Tasks and How you can attempt it, their method and points to avoid are very important, we have fully updated solved Notes which cover all aspects of ISSB , if you want to buy contact us 0344-1927042.

Important Note: You will be guided by ISSB officers before each and every test they start so you don’t need to be panic. Be relax and follow the instructions given to you.

Changes in ISSB 2nd Day:

Task Performed:

1. GTO Tasks.

2. Group Discussion.

3. Lecturate.

4. Military Planning.

5. Progressive Group Tasks(PGT).

6. Half Group Task(HGT).

Changes in ISSB 3rd Day:
Task Performed:
1. GTO Tasks
2. Command Task
3. Individual Obstacles
Now 3rd and 4th Day will cover GTO Tasks and Interviews. We have discussed about interviews and all GTO Tasks in Details with solved Examples in Our Notes.

Changes in ISSB 4th Day:

Departure Day

1.Re Interviews (If Required).
2.Re Obstacles (If Required).
3.Re Command Tasks (If Required).
Now this will be your last day. Here you will be guided step by step. Re-interviews case is for those candidates by whom Psychologists and Deputy have a different point of view regarding his selection and Personality. So therefore you are given a second task so that they could clear their doubts. Re-Interview does not Guarantee your Recommendation.


We have made complete solved notes of ISSB with all the changes taken place in ISSB which will help you a lot in ISSB.

Our Notes contain:

WAT with solving Tricks and 1200 Solved Examples.

16 Recent Military Planning with Solving Method and Solved Models.

60 Solved Situation Reaction Tests.

All GTO Tasks Solved.

40 Solved Picture Stories.

Merits & Demerits Writing Tips.

Quick Maths

Complete Interview Analysis.

SO above we have given a quick review of changes in ISSB And we all also added all these new changes in ISSB in our Notes.


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Our ISSB Online Preparation Classes:

want to check our ISSB Online Preparation Course. Click here.

Expected registration date of PMA 150 Long Course:

So the most expected dates for PMA 150 Long Course are Following:

Registration Starts on 15 April 2022

Registration Starts Ends on 15 May 2022

Eligibility Criteria of PMA 150 Long Course:

  • Citizens of Pakistan and domicile holders of Azad Kashmir / Gilgit-Baltistan can apply for PMA Long Course.

  • Only Male candidates having 55% in FA/FSC or equivalent can apply, females cannot apply in long Courses.

  • Height must be 5’-4″ (162.5 cm) , low height candidates are unfit for selection and weight as per body mass index.

  • Candidates who secure a minimum of 55% marks in Intermediate (FA/FSC) or equivalent

  • Serving Army Soldiers also can apply if they have passed FA/FSC or equivalent with 50% marks, this scheme is only for Army Soldiers Not other Forces, soldiers of other forces having 55% marks can apply

  • The candidate must be Fit in all aspects.

  • Only those candidates who appeared in ISSB are considered Repeaters.

Check it if you like it then buy complete Notes:

Our Contact Number: 0344-1927042

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ISSB Complete information

PMA 150 Long Course Initial Test Classes

Want to Check our ISSB Demo Lecture on Word Association Test, Click here.

Ahsan Khan
Author: Ahsan Khan

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